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Deborah Selinger & David Brunner
Freudwil, Switzerland



Web design and search engine optimization by  Deborah Selinger


data protection

Disclaimer of liability

The author assumes no liability for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information. Liability claims against the author for material or immaterial damage resulting from access to, use or non-use of the published information, from misuse of the connection or from technical malfunctions are excluded. All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer, or to cease publication temporarily or permanently, without prior notice.



We take over  no guarantee with regard to the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information.


Liability claims against CRIU  Damage of a material or immaterial nature, which has arisen from accessing, using or not using the published information and offers, from misuse of the connection or from technical malfunctions, is excluded. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants in all offers.

All offers are non-binding. We expressly reserve the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer or to temporarily or permanently cease publication without prior notice.


Liability for links

References and links to third party websites are outside our area of responsibility. It rejected any responsibility for such websites. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.



The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to the author or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.


data protection

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the federal data protection provisions (Data Protection Act, DSG), everyone has the right to the protection of their privacy and protection against misuse of their personal data. We adhere to these regulations. Personal data is treated as strictly confidential and is neither sold nor passed on to third parties. In close cooperation with our hosting providers, we strive to protect the databases as well as possible from unauthorized access, loss, misuse or falsification. When you access our website, the following data is stored in log files: IP address, date, time , Browser request and general information transmitted about the operating system or Browser. This usage data forms the basis for statistical, anonymous evaluations so that trends can be identified, which we can use to improve our offers accordingly.


This data protection declaration applies to all pages under the domain References and links to third party websites are outside the area of responsibility of this company. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.


Personal data

Personal data is all information that relates to a specific or identifiable person. This includes information such as name, address, telephone number and email. This affects both natural and legal persons about whom the data is processed.


Information We Store
Among other things, the following data is saved when you visit our website:

  • Name of the accessed website

  • Date and time of the request

  • amount of data transferred

  • Notification of successful retrieval

  • Browser type and version

  • operating system

  • Referrer URL (the previously visited page)

  • IP address (anonymous)

  • Provider

We use this data only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of operating the website.


Third party services
We use third party services on our website to analyze user behavior and improve our website. Your IP address will be anonymously passed on to the listed services.

If you do not want your data to be used by third parties, you can unsubscribe from the services (opt-out).


Services for visitor and user behavior analysis

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on the user's computer and that enable an analysis of the use of the website by them. The information generated by the cookie about the use of this website by the user is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

You will receive detailed information on the data protection declaration  here .

Opt-Out: With Google Analytics you can use  Browser add-on  prevent the recording of personal data.


Advertising services

Google remarketing
We use Google Remarketing to place targeted banners and text ads tailored to the needs of the user.

When you use our website, cookies and ad servers register your visit and your interest in specific products or services. By assigning the usage behavior of our website to a specific user, ads can be placed on external websites at a later point in time that match their interests.

If you want to deactivate the display of the above ads, visit the following  Side .

You will receive detailed information on the data protection declaration  here .

Opt-Out: You can receive user-related promotional offers under the following  link  deactivate.



Your e-mail address, which you provided when you registered for the newsletter, will be used to send you information about our offer. You can object to this use at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email.

We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. When registering for our newsletter, you allow the transfer of the data you have provided. MailChimp processes the data in accordance with their  Privacy Policy  and  Privacy policy .


Cookies are small files that make it possible to save specific, device-related information on the user's access device (PC, smartphone, etc.). On the one hand, they serve the user-friendliness of websites and thus the users (e.g. storage of login data); Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option with which the storage of cookies can be restricted or completely prevented. However, it should be noted that the use and in particular the ease of use are restricted without cookies.


You can use many online advertising cookies from companies via the  American side  or the  EU side  administer.


Questions about data protection
If you have any questions about this data protection declaration or the use of your data, please contact us.


Legal basis
That  Data Protection Act  (DSG) serves as the basis for this data protection declaration.

Last update: Dec, 10th 2022

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